Innovations for a Sustainable Future.

CleanInnova Green Biotechnology,
your new partner for all your needs
in high quality plants and efficient agriculture.


Green Biotechnology is the combination of practices that utilize natural resources and biodiversity wealth to sustain agriculture and quality production. Green Biotechnology is the rapidly growing field within modern biotechnology by deploying natural resources as the source of renewable energy to produces foods but it is in that it is also in the form of biofuels and, as a novel means to generate novel pharmaceutical products. It produces more efficient crop plants with better quality foods and nutrition, and economically beneficial Green biotechnology focused on agriculture as working field with the conserving natural resources. Green biotechnological approaches and applications involve development of new crop genotypes of agricultural interest, production of biofertilizers and biopesticides, using in vitro cultivation and cloning plants. It uses environmental- friendly solutions alternative to traditional agriculture, horticulture, and animal breeding processes for selection, breeding, and management of crops for more economical production which are accounted as follows:

• Utilization of bacteria for increased plant growth Development of grains having pest resistance

• Exploiting microbes for better plant growth, tolerance to abiotic stresses and ripen earlier

• Genetic alterations in plant genotypes to develop tolerance to fungal pathogens

• Genetic modifications to resist frost stress in plants

• Using phytoremediation to get rid of heavy metals like lead, nickel, silver, chromium etc.

• Plant genetic engineering to express pesticides


Using bacterial cultures to assure better crop yield instead of herbicides and pesticides. The world population is anticipated to achieve over ten billion within the year 2050, whereas agricultural production is growing at the slower rate of regarding 1.8 percent annually (Altman, 1999). All human beings depend on agriculture to provide the quality of food they need. However, traditional agricultural experiences face some serious constraints, including market restrictions, limited natural resources, and scarcity of natural and natural resources and inherent biological genetic limitations.


Green biotechnological approaches is the need of the day because only traditional agriculture practices cannot meet the demands. The Green Revolution helped a lot by increasing wheat production by 10 folds in India and many other countries, thus producing three times that amount. However, this has a boundary and needs to back up a solution to provide better plants. Reproduction is necessary with green technical knowledge because traditional methods alone cannot meet needs. Yes, we need a different approach to increase yields. Therefore, using green biotechnology-based technology can turn into a “Evergreen revolution”. To reduce the demand for fertilizers and pesticides under climate change, to balance world population growth and its impact on future generations, adapt crops to competition and climate change, and maintain the new technologies needed to increase profits and increase the productivity of many ways. More sustainable and sustainable work to increase food security and at the same time reduce land Negative impacts of strong agriculture. Therefore, there is an urgent need to adopt green biotechnology engineering approach.


Green CleanInnova Biotech: New Methods of Engineering in Plants


Sustainable development is a key phrase in all areas of ‘going green’, biotechnology included. It is the idea of taking steps to ensure that new developments don’t cause long-term environmental damage or intervening to stop current technologies from doing so. After decades of reliance on non-renewable resources, such as fossil fuels, the green revolution is vital to create alternatives to current damaging practices.

CleanInnova Green Biotechnology offers significant promise in sustainable development. Advances in crop protection, such as genetically modified organism (GMO)-free RNA interference, have the potential to increase the productivity and yield of plant crops enough to address food insecurity.

Already a global issue due to population growth, food security is a challenge exacerbated further by changes in climate altering the environmental conditions for food production. Again, biotechnology has the potential to help us mitigate some of the effects to secure the agricultural future despite evolving climates.


With the rise of green biotechnology, access to fast and reliable genomics services is more important than ever. CleanInnova Green Biotech offers support for all aspects of genomics research from the initial design stages through to analysis and interpretation. Our rapid, cost-effective research services solution is tailored exactly to your needs.